Thursday 31 October 2013

Help us!!

This next article will focus on the challenges gari makers at Akuffo- Krodua and Jei- Krodua,two villages in the Ewutu Senya District of the Central Region of Ghana face and what their dreams and aspirations are.

The kind of people involved in making gari

 The Ewutu Senya District is the entry point to the Central part of Ghana. According to,  Awutu- Efutu-Senya is one of the three most urbanised districts in the region, with over 60 per cent of the population living in urban areas. It is also one of the districts with the most urban localities, having five urban localities, making 18.6 per cent of the total urban population of the region. Some of the localities found in the district include Bawjiase, Adawukwa, Ayirisu and Krodua.

Aerial view of Krodua

The beautiful scenery of Krodua

 Krodua is a major town found in the rocky mountainous  ranges of the Awutu Senya District of the Central Region. It is a 2hour drive from the capital, Accra. Akuffo and Jei are two of the sub-localities of Krodua. The people here are predominantly farmers and petty traders,mostly dealing with crops like cassava and gari-making  which seems to be the most lucrative venture,despite the existence of other businesses. Over the years, though many youth in Krodua make a livelihood out of gari-making, they do so at the expense of other important areas of their lives like  getting quality education and living normal nuclear- family- going- and-coming- home- from- school- experience that the average Ghanaian youth is used to and experiences.
Meet these young people from Akuffo-Krodua, and hear their story

 These young people must be in school, but because they need money to pay fees,they have dropped out of the race to enter the university!! The yougest girl among them told me she attends the local secondary school twice in a month because she stays in the house to make gari and goes back to school as and when she has fried enough gari to sell and make profits!! They showed me their qualifications, and my,aren't they very intelligent students!! Who knows what they could become with a little educational push!!  and you'll be amazed its their parents encouraging them to sell gari to save

And it's not only the youth in the gari business who are suffering or complaining;there are very old bone gari makers too:

The youth look older than their age, and die before their time because of the tediousness and strenght needed to engaga in gari-making! The old people cannot also stop frying the gari because they do not know where else their next meal will be coming from!! Anyone who is touched by the plight of these people, you can do something to put a smile on a face that has been deprived of one for a long time!!

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